20. Creating Space with Dr. Sherry Price
On this weeks episode I'm joined by Dr Sherry Price who is a Speaker, Life Coach, Podcaster, Pharmacist and Wellness Motivator.
Dr. Sherry Price teaches women how to have a healthier relationship with alcohol, one where they have regained their power to choose.
In this episode we explore some of the following topics:
How alcohol is overly glamourised and if you canā€™t control your drinking you're stigmatised
How to find openness and honesty when you want to stop
Exploring misbeliefs around alcohol
Discovering who you are without alcohol
Looking at what the consequences of Covid are having for peoples drinking habits
How to set healthy boundaries for yourself while you change your relationship with alcohol
What does self love look like and how to find it
Changing language to support your decision
Listen to the podcast episode mentioned in the show; Better than Pills Podcast
If you want to get in touch with Dr Sherry Price to find out more about how she works and how you can work with her, visit; https://sherryprice.com/
LISTEN to the Drink Less Lifestyle Podcast here
Social Media Links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drsherryprice
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drsherryprice/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sherry-price-09735a1/
If you'd like to find out about working with Patrick, book a free one hour consultation here
You can also join The Alcohol ReThink Project, a 30 day email mindset-reset series to support you in stopping drinking
Follow Patrick
Website: https://www.patrickjfox.com/
Instagram: thesoberlifecoach
Facebook Group: Becoming Alcohol Free